Eastern Mediterranean Physical Activity Network

Background The Eastern Mediterranean Physical Activity network (EMPAN) was established in January 2014 to promote physical activity among the general public in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. It is hosted by Kuwait University’s Health Science Centre and collaborates closely with the WHO Regional Office, GlobalPANet and the International Society of Physical Activity and Health.

The network’s activities are based on global recommendations on physical activity for health and the Political Declaration of the UN High-level Meeting on Non-Communicable Prevention and Control, 2011, which renewed the call on countries to take actions to reduce physical inactivity.

Physical inactivity is the fourth leading risk factor for noncommunicable diseases worldwide and is estimated to cause between 3.2 and 5 million deaths globally per year.

The Eastern Mediterranean Region has some of the highest levels of physical activity globally, with an estimated 40% of the adult population not meeting the recommended physical activity levels. Less than half of the countries of this Region have systematic monitoring of levels of physical activity in adults and children and very few countries have commenced any comprehensive action aimed at increasing levels of activity through sports, recreation, cycling and walking.

Objectives of the network

EMPAN supports national actions to promote physical activity. It aims to:
  • share evidence-based research data and best practices within and between countries on national actions which promote physical activity across the life course
  • develop, support, and disseminate effective strategies and multisectoral approaches to promote physical activity
  • raise awareness and build the capacity of different sectors and stakeholders to support policy change to create supportive environments for physical activity
  • improve coordination with other agencies to ensure effective and efficient implementation of national actions to promote physical activity.

The network adopts population-based approaches for the promotion of physical activity as whole-of-community approaches have proven more successful at increasing population levels of physical activity than single programmes. It supports and facilitates linkages between the urban planning, transport, sports and recreation, education and health sectors to create supportive environments to support physical activity lifestyles and encourages multisectoral approaches in the development of national strategies to increase population levels of physical activity.

Posted on January 14, 2014 by Jasem Ramadan Alkandari Ph.D.,FACSM